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News and Articles of Interest for Your Human Resource Department


How to Deliver Effective Employee Training in 6 Easy Steps

The success of your company lies in your employees - employees are the best asset of any company. Their performance determines your company's success, and by developing an employee training program it can contribute to the success of your business.  Training programs help employees, especially new recruits, to be more efficient in their tasks.  A training program that is implemented properly can make employees more productive, keep them updated to and compliant with company regulations and policies, increase their motivation and create a smoother workflow.  When it comes to operating businesses, your employees need to have the talent and skill, and be continuously productive.  Developing an effective employee training program can be determined by a lot of things, but with these steps we can make it a whole lot easier.  Article continues here


5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Productivity at Work

You spend only a certain amount of time in the office. It would be a bad idea if your concentration is spiraling, not being able to focus on one task. You would end up missing deadlines or rushing to meet them. Being productive at work isn’t exactly hard; you just need to know how to increase your output. That is, you either work hard and redouble your efforts or you work smart. The latter is preferable, especially in time constraints, and that means it is required that you learn how to manage your timetable. So how do you get your focus on and get some work done? Here is the list of five easy ways to improve your productivity at work: Article continues here


Three Tips to Deal with Difficult Co-Workers

Working in any job can be difficult, but when adding in office politics, work can become almost impossible. Everyone has different personalities and it can be hard to navigate difficult coworkers on a daily basis. Here are three tips to help deal with coworkers so that you can stay focused on your job: Article continues here


How to Effectively Use Social Media for Business

Social media is everywhere; it is no revelation that any successful company in today’s society has to have a good social media presence. Technology is changing our world and how we find our information. It used to be word of mouth that would determine reputations and we trusted our neighbors to lead us to companies that were trustworthy. Now we have the internet; with the ease of writing and sharing reviews, it is particularly important to use social media to preserve your reputation. Here are four ways to effectively use social media to help your business: Article continues here


How to Engage a Multigenerational Work Force

The workforce is one of the first places that different generations interact in a team environment without as much emphasis placed on age.  It is important to understand since the workers will come from different backgrounds, education levels and generations that the manager or employer must know how to engage and interact with every age level.  Remember that everyone in every generation wants to feel relevant, needed and appreciated: Article continues here


Tips for Minimizing Workplace Negativity

Negativity in the workplace is never good, but it happens all too often. Taking steps to avoid or resolve workplace negativity is crucial to your team’s survival. Here are six ways to reduce workplace negativity: Article continues here


Top Reasons to Invest in a Wellness Program

Wellness seems to always be a popular topic at the beginning of year. Everyone wants to start being more active and getting in shape, and companies can play a big part in helping to keep their employees healthy. There are many reasons to invest in a wellness program for your company and here are some of them.  Article continued here.


5 Things that Increase Employee Satisfaction

A successful business does not only prioritize their customers, but also their employees’ satisfaction and happiness. Employees who are happy with their jobs tend to be passionate and will deliver their very best. Passionate employees do not just work for the sake of their paychecks, but their desire to see their company grow and improve to a whole new level and stay even in its toughest times. They will give their best to keep the company on its feet. Article continued here.


Incorporating Self-Care into the Workplace

Self-care has become a hot topic in the media as people are trying to be more intentional about taking care of their mental and physical health. It is both the right and the responsibility of the employee to take care of themselves, but employers can take steps to ensure their employees feel comfortable doing what they need to do. Often, simply knowing that the employer cares and tries to help is enough to instill loyalty and inspire motivation in employees. It is important to remember that each employee is different, and every job is different, but some things transcend the differences. No matter what, every employee needs to be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit for their role. Article continued here.


Top Benefits of Working Remotely

There has been a long debate over whether workers are more productive when they report to an office daily or if remote working actually improves their efficiency. While there are many obvious benefits of having workers report to a central office, there are some unexpected benefits of working remotely.   Article continued here.


Difficult Conversations – Poor Performance

Dealing with a poorly performing employee can be frustrating. It can be complex and time consuming to make sure you get the right result - an improvement in their performance, or failing that, them being managed out of the organisation in a fair and legal way.

It is likely you will meet with a poorly performing employee at least twice; the first time to tell them how their performance is ineffective and set targets for improvement, and the second to review their progress and make a decision about their future. In practice, you may have several other steps to follow, but the conversations will follow the same pattern, and if you master that pattern, you will find it easier to deal with any conversation about performance effectively.

And what is the pattern? You prepare. You talk. You listen. You consider. You decide. You communicate your decision. In basic terms, it is as simple as that.  Article continued here.


Employee Privacy: Why Smart Employers Guarantee It


Employees’ right to privacy in the working environment has stirred quite a controversy within the media for the past few years. Right to privacy has been a hot topic with the industry especially in this age when technology and information can easily be shared with a click. Telecommunications such as internet and e-mails have paved a way for faster and more private methods of communication, but it is these types of privacy issues that agitate employers. Companies have shared concerns on how to monitor their employees without the fear of prosecution. Article continued here.


3 Steps To Maximize Breaks

Taking breaks throughout the work day actually increases productivity in the workplace by helping employees refocus their attention on the tasks at hand. Here are three ways to maximize the value of breaks to ensure increased productivity. Article continued here


Tips to Regulate Employee Internet Use


The internet has been a great innovation to help with communication and transactions, especially in business. However, the internet can also be a distraction in the workplace. There are plenty of ways to waste time online: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, downloads, shopping websites and much more. Wasting time means outputs are delayed, and along with it, the company's progress. There is a difference between being strict on internet usage policy and keeping employees from wasting too much time on the internet. It can be more serious if employees would use the company's internet connection to look up inappropriate websites and conduct illegal transactions. It might seem severe to completely monitor employee internet usage at work, but try to minimize personal usage and wasted time. Article continued here


3 Reasons for Having an Employee Recognition Program

In 2013, a poll conducted by Gallup found that 87 percent of workers surveyed in countries all over the world were disengaged with their jobs. Only the remaining 13 percent stated that they were satisfied with their jobs and felt deeply engaged with the companies they worked for. Higher levels of engagement have proven, time and again, higher levels of employee satisfaction, greater increase in productivity, greater company loyalty, higher profits, and better customer satisfaction. One of the best ways to increase engagement is to make sure that employees feel appreciated and that hard work is suitably rewarded both financially and in some other ways. Having a strategic recognition program in place is one of the most effective ways to get results and take advantage of the following three key benefits:  Article continued here.


Screening Candidates for A Cultural Fit

In life, we tend to mingle with people who are quite similar to ourselves.  As an individual, a person would usually be drawn to another who expresses similarities in language, music and style among other things. In a few words; we are attracted to the same culture. The same goes for the business world.

Companies have a selection process where they usually look for candidates who share the same values and methods of their organization. Candidates who exhibit cultural fit have a great prospect in adapting and conforming to the main ethics and company culture. Article continued here.



Beyond Salary: Conditions and Benefits Employees Want Most

“Money talks” is a common phrase used when discussing hiring employees and how to attract the top people to join your business. Besides salary, what other benefits do employees want the most? Abraham Maslow, a renowned psychologist, describes a hierarchy of needs that applies to every human. At the very least, everyone wants to survive but at the absolute most people want to feel that they are contributing members of a larger cause. This is commonly known as self-actualization: the realization or fulfillment of one’s talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone. More money does not necessarily increase self-worth and people want to feel as if they have influence and control. So once a company offers the basic amount of money needed to survive, what benefits allow employees to feel self-actualized?  Article continued here.



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